Le professeur Nseir, PUPH en médecine intensive et réanimation au CHU de Lille, nous parle du traitement antifongique empirique.
Articles en lien :

  • Intensive Care Med. ESICM/ESCMID task force on practical management of invasive candidiasis in critically ill patients. doi: 10.1007/s00134-019-05599-w.
  • JAMA. Empirical Micafungin Treatment and Survival Without Invasive Fungal Infection in Adults With ICU-Acquired Sepsis, Candida Colonization, and Multiple Organ Failure: The EMPIRICUS Randomized Clinical Trial. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.14655.
  • Intensive Care Med. Biomarker-based strategy for early discontinuation of empirical antifungal treatment in critically ill patients: a randomized controlled trial. doi: 10.1007/s00134-017-4932-8.